Sunday, September 30, 2007

New South Wales

28 September 2007.With a prediction of 1 to 2ft swell,and gentle ne seabreezes it was a good day to be out offshore on the water.The fishing action is still very slow,and you have to work hard for fish.Managed to jig up a few live yakkas and they were put out on the normal circle hook.There was lots of sea life today,with a huge turtle showing up,some dolphins and a whale sighting.Also a shark sighting.Well it wasnt to long before this 7.5kg mac tuna came along.Its a pity they are such bad eating fish,as they sure do give a good account for themselves.definately fun to catch.I then trolled out wider and had another pull on my live yakka,but some how i managed to pull the circle hook out.(suspect i struck to early??).After that it was time to come in

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