Tuesday, October 28, 2008

1 mile sunday 26 october 2008

went out of seaworld on sunday at around 2pm.Fished untill around 5pm.I caught heaps of slimy mackerel as bait and one even got taken by this mac tuna

It was a hard paddle out into the northerly wind...which was around 15knots but easy coming back.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday 12 october Tugun Desalination Plant

Headed out to the platform early...hoping to get a cobia...there is lots of bait if you jig right next to the pipes....but that seems all there is ...no takers on the fish front..water still between 18 and 19C...not good.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

palm beach afternoon fish saturday 11 october 2008

went out for an afternoon fish at palm beach gold coast.Slight wind a few showers.Jigged up a few yakkas hoping for a cobia...instead managed a mac tuna which was released.Water seems to be warming up!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

palm beach 5 october 2008

weeks of northerly winds brings in cold ,green,brown water....absolutely no fish in these conditions...